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2023-2025 Vacancy Application

NYC EDUCATION COUNCILS July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025 Term

Dear D28 Community,

The Community Education Council District 28 is now accepting applications for a Council Member Position! Please see the attached application for your convenience. Interested candidates should complete the attached application and submit it to the Division of Family and Community Empowerment (FACE) at

Please click on the link below for more instructions. Application Deadline for CEC 28 Member Application Deadline is January 28th, 2025

Download the Application

Note To Any All Potential Applicants: The completed application must be returned to FACE.

CEC VACANCIES - Standard procedures to follow for a potential candidate.

When a parent vacancy occurs, the CEC shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term by election at a public meeting.

  1. The CEC shall publicize the vacancy widely, describe the application process and specify a deadline for submitting applications.
  2. All candidates must obtain a CEC Vacancy Application and return the completed form to FACE (Page 8-Submission Instructions). FACE shall review eligibility to fill the seat, and forward portions of the eligible candidates’ application to the CEC.
  3. If the vacancy is in a seat held by an IEP Parent, and no remaining CEC member is an IEP parent, the only eligible candidates will be IEP parents. If the vacancy is in the seat held by an ELL parent, and no remaining CEC member is an ELL Parent, the only eligible candidates will be ELL Parents.
  4. The community school district’s Presidents’ Council and other education groups shall be given the opportunity to make written recommendations and to consult with the CEC before the vacancy is filled. Before selecting an IEP Parent or an ELL Parent to fill a vacancy for a seat held by an IEP Parent or ELL Parent, the CEC should consult with the Citywide Council on Special Education or Citywide Council on English Language Learners.

Note: If the parent vacancy is not filled by the CEC within 60 days after it is declared due to a tie vote, the Chancellor shall vote to break the tie. If the CEC fails to fill the vacancy within 60 days for any other reason, the Chancellor shall order the CEC to fill the vacancy pursuant to Section 2590-l of the Education Law. Interested persons must obtain a CEC Application from FACE and return the completed form to FACE. FACE shall review eligibility to fill the seat and forward the applicant profile to you.







Student Vacancy currently exists as of December 2021.

Student Member (Non-Voting)      

  1. High school students who will be seniors during their year of service, who reside in the community school district in which they will serve, and who are part of their school’s elected student government are eligible to be appointed by the community superintendent. Students need not attend high schools located in the community school districts in which they will serve. If no senior on the elected student government is available to serve, seniors holding other elected leadership positions (e.g., president of a club) may be considered. For purposes of this regulation, a senior is a student who has 30 high school credits.      
  2. Interested students must obtain an application from FACE and submit the completed application to FACE at FACE will review eligibility and forward eligible applications to the relevant community district superintendent. All appointment decisions shall be at the discretion of the superintendent.  
  3. Non-voting student members serve a one-year term beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30 of the following year. 

CEC 28 Community,

The Community Education Council District 28 is now accepting applications for our Student Member Position!

Please see the attached application for your convenience. Interested students should complete the attached application and submit it to The Division of Family and Community Empowerment (FACE) at

Student Member Application