What is the CEC?

What is the CEC?
Our CEC supports 40 elementary and middle schools located in the heart of Queens. The goal of our website is to be a resource center for the almost 40,000 students and their families who attend and reside in our Community School District.
We invite you to attend our monthly community meetings which are typically held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. Come hear from education decision-makers and learn about policies and programs that are impacting our whole Community School District. Come and share what's happening at your school and help us advocate for the needs of all students.
Check out our CEC calendar for upcoming events, meetings, trainings and workshops. We encourage you to be proactive participants in your child's education. Only together can we better serve all students and families in Community School District 28.
What are Education Councils?
Education Councils are part of New York City's school governance structure. There is a Community Education Council (CEC) for every community school district. There are also four Citywide Councils:
- Citywide Council on High Schools (CCHS)
- Citywide Council on Special Education (CCSE)
- Citywide Council on English Language Learners (CCELL)
- Citywide Council for D75 (CCD75)